Learn How to turn $327 into $1,237 following a Simple, repeatable trading pattern

Ready to Create Consistent Income With Our Most Straightforward Trading Strategy Yet?
My name is Mike Rykse and I am the Options Specialist at NetPicks. I have been an
active trader in the markets since 2002 and have traded just about every market
available (stock, options, futures, forex, bonds). Without a doubt, my favorite area of the
market is trading options and that is where I have seen the most success in my own
I have personally developed numerous options trading systems and educational
courses which are designed to provide retail traders the tools that they need to be
successful in the options markets. These programs have been used by thousands of
traders in over 100 countries over the last 15 years.
In working with thousands of traders over the years, I have learned some tricks of the
trade that I want to share with you that can make a big difference in your trading results
over time. Trading can be difficult but having a specific tool set in place can help you
become a successful trader right away.
Like any successful business, the traders that see the most success are the ones that
stay disciplined to a plan. Whether you are trading full time or part time you need to
treat this as a business. This means having a plan in place that will guide you every
day. A big part of that plan is knowing the markets that you trade like the back of your
In this eBook I will share my favorite stocks and ETF’s that I use to trade options on a
weekly basis to make a full-time income. We will outline our top 10 markets to trade in
today’s volatile markets. These are markets that have a track record of great movement
back and forth and have a record of good volume in the options. This makes them
perfect candidates to help us produce consistent income regardless of market
Grab your Free copy above. Just click the button, enter your email, and I'll send you your free download link right away. You'll soon be combining top stock trading tactics with options trading strategies to help grow your account and develop a trading income.

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